Noah Zuniga


Catholic Women’s Writers: Sinners, Saints, and Mystics (ENGL 3340-01)

Dr. Luella D’Amico

My Spiritual Autobiography

Following the writings of St Therese and Dorothy Day, one entry at a time!


I was originally raised Catholic, went to Catholic school from Elementary school to now, but a few events in my life, as well as the general state of the world at the time, as well as right now, has made me have doubts about my faith, but even so, I’ve remained a steadfast agnostic, feeling as though I didn’t necessarily need to count on going to church to be happy, but that living my life in any kind of good way would be enough for me.

““I felt, even at fifteen, that God meant man to be happy, that He meant to provide him with what he needed to maintain life in order to be happy, and that we did not need to have quite so much destruction and misery as I saw all around and read of in the daily press.” (Dorothy Day, The Long Lonliness,

Google Gemini, “A cul-de-sac neighborhood, mid day”

The Glory of God in Nature

Aside from walking my dog every day, I’ve started to go on walks by myself through my neighborhood. In January, I remembered about Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Transparent Eyeball, and how I was basically doing what Emerson was talking about-- taking a walk through nature and looking at the immediate world around you.

It was on one of these walks that I started thinking about how random the universe was in the placement of the blades of grass, or the trees that grew in the neighborhood, or even the clouds in the sky, and thought it was cosmically funny that all of these decisions were up to God in a way.

Daniel Gallego

My faith Journey Moving Forward

Moving Forward, I would like to

continue exploring my faith in the

realms of how it pertains to nature, as well as how it can be applied to social justice, much like how Dorothy Day applied faith to her brand of social justice.

Aerial Photography Of Boat In The Middle Of Body Of Water